
  • Information platform – providing informations about urban logistics and technological, political, regulatory developments and framework conditions.
  • Educational opportunities – our activities are intended to sensitize all stakeholders to the topic urban logistics. This includes online courses/training workshops, development of educational programmes, lectures and further education (schools, etc.).
  • Open Innovation Platform – we pursue the goal of producing freight logistics innovations for daily practice and making the resulting findings accessible. This is achieved through surveys of needs and requirements, assistance in the development of business ideas – new products, services or organisational models, idea days and workshops for children and adults.
  • Networking function – national and international networking. We provide a large network of experts from science and practice, companies and public actors. Network meetings, exchange of experience and contact forge take place as well as the moderation of diverging interests.
  • Participatory laboratory, showroom and test environment are available – test rooms/areas, real-life test environments and exhibition rooms that can be used for demonstrating new technologies.
  • Project support, evaluation and start-up support – we support the implementation of innovation projects – from the idea to the innovation. This is done through professional feedback for ideas, funding and financing advice, assistance in finding project partners, analysis and evaluation of existing business models, provision of premises for start-ups and support in setting up companies and public relations.